Bicycle Travellers : Kashmir to Kanyakumari on Hybrid Omobike for Save Soil Campaign
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A beginner cyclist who followed his heart and completed his trip from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in 49 days covering more than 4000 kilometers on his Omobike. His journey truly shows that if a person decide to achieve something, the entire universe will come to support his/her dream.

Neither he was a cyclist nor he did anything like that before in life but he chose to follow his heart to go for the one in a lifetime journey with a motive to support #savesoil campaign during the trip. He educated thousands of people , touched million of souls with his journey.

Q - Tell us about yourself and your interest in Cycling
A - This is Anaadi Vikram Mishra and I'm from a small town Jalalabad Shahjahanpur in U.P . I love fitness and all so I've always found Cycling a way to stay fit and to fall in love with roads. So I decided to choose cycle for my journey.
Q - Which Bicycle Model do you own?
3) Are you a pro Cyclist or have you started cycling recently ?
I'm an amateur. This is my 1st time I've been cycling for that long. I have cycled before in my school days earlier.
4) How long was your trip ?
The trip took me 49 days covering more than 4000 kms from kashmir to Kanyakumari
5) How did you decide to Go for the Kashmir to Kanyakumari trip ?
I decided to spread awareness for SaveSoil Campaign across Bharat and hence followed the same path Adi Sankaracharya followed to spread Sanatan dharm
6) Share one most memorable experience from your Trip ?
On the last day of journey I was terrified to cover 90 kms in 7 hours with Kanyakumari winds blowing hard to my opposite, like I've to paddle even on the slopes to move forward, but somehow the excitement to complete the Journey and Love towards what I'm doing, I was going like crazy and I covered it with in 5 hours time

7) How was OMO cycle performance during this trip ?
Excellent that's the word, no issues no punctures it was so smooth like I still can't believe that
8) Did you face any issue with the cycle during this trip, how did you resolve it?
Simply no issues, thanks to Omo Bikes.
9) Any suggestion for new cyclist who are planning to go for such trip
Just go for it, if you don't you'll regret it. It may seems impossible in beginning but believe me it is always possible. All you have to do is to put everything you got and you'll make it Happen.
10) Daily Budget you spent and you did you manage your fund?
I was spending 400 INR on daily basis, omo bikes supported a bit and my pocket money and parents supported a lot.
Thank you for this opportunity Omo Bikes, without you I couldn't have even Started so thank you so very much, I'll be Grateful
1 comment
What is the frame size of alloy 700c bike ?